Chelsea was born February 21, 1994; she was born one-month early and weighed 4-lbs. 12 1/2 oz. She immediately went into respiratory distress and had to be intubated at Va. Beach General Hospital. We were told that she was a very sick baby and that they needed to run test to figure why she went into respiratory distress. At the end of the first week, the Doctors found that Chelsea was unable to breathe through her nose. (Babies are avid nose breathers) There for, she would need to be sent to Kings Daughters Hospital in Norfolk, Va. where our whole story starts.
During her month stay at CHKD, the Dr's told us that we would be taking her home soon with the trach and that Chelsea would keep the trach until she was atleast 20 pounds or 1 year old before the Dr. would preform the choanae atresia repair.
Complete story to follow
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God is Good
My Girls love horses, we need to find a nice gental horse that they can sit on and just walk around.